Hoyo de Manzanares, Madrid

 13 May 2024

  • He could see the work carried out by the Centre’s staff in the fight against improvised explosive devices

The CSEL to the Defence Staff, Pedro Hilario Medina, visited the Centre of Excellence against Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED CoE), located in Hoyo de Manzanares, town north-west of Madrid.

The CSEL was received by the Centre’s Director, Colonel (OF-5) Javier Corbacho; by the Executive Officer, Commander (OF-4) Alfonso Martínez; and by Sergeant Major (OR-9) Luis Miguel Gundín, the most senior NCO. Then, they held a meeting where the Director gave a presentation on the Centre’s structure and functions.

After this presentation, Sergeant Majors (OR-9) Luis Miguel Gundín and Raúl Gatón, together with Master Sergeant (OR-8) Jesús González, explained the various roles that NCOs and enlisted personnel carry out in different sections of the Centre (Admin&Support, Defeat the Device and Prepare the Force).

Subsequently, the CSEL toured the Centre’s facilities accompanied by Sergeant Major (OR-9) Luis Miguel Gundín. At the Laboratory, Master Sergeants (OR-8) David Herraiz and Jesús González gave a theoretical and practical explanation about the activities developed in this area.

The visit concluded with a Spanish wine with the Centre’s Director, the Executive Officer and the Spanish NCOs and enlisted personnel assigned at the Centre.

The C-IED CoE’s mission is to provide expertise and leadership in the fight against improvised explosive devices (C-IED) to reinforce the security of the Spanish and allied forces deployed in operations, and to contribute to improving our security and that of our partner and allied countries against terrorist or insurgent threats.


Spanish Version

DomexDomex Course 21.1

The first iteration of the DOMEX Collection and Processing in Support to Attack the Networks Course in 2021 (iteration 21.1) took place from 7 to 18 June 2021, at the C-IED CoE premises (Hoyo de Manzanares) and the “San Marcial Division” Headquarters (Burgos), in Spain. The two-weeks course covered overall DOMEX disciplines, including DOCEX, MEDEX and CELLEX, as well as UAV exploitation procedures, by lectures focused on scene analysis, forensics and collection, and processing of information gathered from items

The second week of the course faced practical scenarios where the instructors helped students developing the skills needed as DOMEX specialists. Students run through different scenarios simulating a complete incident environment, starting with receiving the task, being deployed to incident site, conducting the scene investigation, processing the items collected and finalizing with a basic analysis to understand the complete process. The support received by the “San Marcial Division” HQ, Spanish SOF Command, PIAM, USAREUR-AF and Spanish National Police have being highly appreciated and added value to fulfill the training requirements providing to the students skills in a high operational environment. The program allows to develop national capabilities filling the existing training gaps across the NATO countries and its partners.