iconThe C-IED COE mission is to provide subject matter expertise in order to support the Alliance, its Partners, and the International Community in the fight against IED and co-operate to increase security of Allied Nations and also all the troops deployed in theatres of operations, reducing or eliminating the threats from improvised explosive devices used or for use, in particular by terrorists or insurgents.

The nations currently sponsoring the C-IED COE are: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania,Türkiye, United States, Spain as the framework nation, with Greece in the process of joining as another sponsoring nation and Sweden as an additional contributing partner. The Centre is manned by 60 people, 31 posts are assigned to the Framework Nation and other 13 are open to current and future Sponsor Nations. Spain contributes with additional staff members to provide the Host Nation Support (HNS).

To its mission fulfillment, C-IED COE collaborates and cooperates with organizations, national and international, from all the communities involved in the C-IED fight (military, law enforcement, intelligence, and academia).

The Centre aims to become a reference in three main areas within the C-IED community:

  • C-IED information sharing: Coordinating and merging mil/non mil CIED related Intel sources, improving multi-national info sharing and establishing/promoting Intel forums.
  • Technology & Development: Gathering information on current and emerging technology (Knowledge), and, simultaneously, confronting operational needs with technological solutions. It supports also to CNAD’s C-IED Materiel Roadmap in some of its initiatives.
  • Training: Coordinating international training efforts, avoiding duplications and identifying special training expertise, as NATO C-IED Training Department Head since 2013. From the mentioned areas the following efforts are worth pointing out:
  • Training Opportunities
  • C-IED Staff Officers Course (CSOC)
  • Weapons Intelligence Team Course (WIT)
  • C-IED Awareness Course (CIAC) for non-NATO nations
  • Basic Field Explotation Course (BIFEC)
  • Attack the Network Operational Course (ATNOC)
  • Attack the Network Interagency Explotation and Analysis Course (ATIX)
  • Analist's Notebook Users Course (ANUC)
  • Lessons Learned / Best Practices
  • NATO JALLC C-IED Community of interest
  • C-IED Lessons Identified Workshop
  • Other current efforts
  • C-IED Technological Workshop
  • Interagency Workshop