DEFEAT THE DEVICE (DtD) branch is to analyse and compare common operational needs and possible technological solutions in order to identify capability gaps and requirements; IED Technical Analysis; Support Technical Exploitation Studies; Collect, maintain and provide information on C-IED techniques and technologies and analyse their limitations and potentials as they pertain to Defeat the Device.

DtD is to assist in the detection, recognition and location of IED components, assist in the neutralization of the intended effects of, destroy, clear, or prevent the emplacement of IED, provide protection for personnel, equipment and facilities, conduct concept development and experimentation, cooperate in R&D C-IED Projects, provide advice on standards for the development and/or evaluation of C-IED systems, promote the interoperability of C-IED electronic countermeasures and other equipment, support the NATO Defence Planning Process in the area of C-IED requirements and assist in the collection, development and dissemination of C-IED LL.