Education is the systematic instruction of individuals that will enhance their knowledge and skills, and develop competencies. It is the developmental activity enabling individuals to make a reasonable response to an unpredictable situation (mind-set).NATO Education and Training (E&T) activities are core functions for preparing the NATO Command Structure (NCS) and NATO Force Structure (NFS) for current and future missions in accordance with the Alliance’s level of ambition.
The NATO Education and Training Spectrum has two aspects: Individual and Collective.
- Individual Training. The development of skills and knowledge necessary to perform specific duties and tasks. Individual Training is a learned response to a predictable situation (skills).
- Collective Training. Procedural drills and practical application of doctrine, plans, and procedures to acquire and maintain collective tactical, operational and strategic capabilities to predictable situations. Although collective training starts at the team level to step up towards HQs and forces, within NATO it is focused on the collective performance of a HQ and/or a formation. The Commander has the possibility to stop the training activity, correct the performance and repeat the execution.
The C-IED COE provide support to the Alliance in several functional areas. One of them is to enhance education and training to support measures and activities necessary to ready a force for operations where there is a threat of an IED System. For this purpose, the C-IED COE support and/or conduct C-IED courses and different events.
In this webpage you are going to be able to know in which activities the C-IED COE is currently involved.