4th C-IED Steering Group meeting

4th steering4th C-IED Steering Meeting

The 4th meeting of the C-IED Steering Group was held at the Karlberg Castle, Military Academy, Stockholm (Sweden) on 27-29 May 2019. The meeting included 11 nations, ACT/capability monitor, SHAPE Infrastructure and Engineering, NATO IS/ESC, JFCBS, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, EOD CoE and Counter-IED (C-IED) CoE. The main discussions focused on the importance of maintaining C-IED as an independent discipline and sending the right message to nations and NATO, despite ACO transformation. Nations must continue to implement all C-IED pillars especially Attack the Network and NATO’s exercises must include C-IED in each level (Strategical, Operational and Tactical). Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, UK and Netherland provided interesting briefing on their national C-IED development.  

IPB meeting and DH Forum

IPB MeetingIPB meeting and DH Forum

The first Individual Training and Education Programme (ITEP) Planning Board (IPB I) for 2019 as well as the annual Department Head forum were hosted and held at the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE), Vilnius, Lithuania 21st to 23rd May 2019 at the military compound of Gen. Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (MAL) where the NATO ENSEC COE is located.

The purpose of the IPB is to support the NATO Education and Individual Training (E&IT) Production Planning Process (PPP) by facilitating the production of the annual NATO ITEP and by providing a forum for the stakeholders to discuss related issues. The purpose of the DH forum is to support the Global Programming (GP) Approach by providing the DHs an interdisciplinary meeting to discuss common topics, to coordinate interdisciplinary issues and to exchange good practices.  

One of the main outcomes of the DH F was the information regarding the new developed and installed e-ITEP system version 3.1/3.2 and the intent of ACT JFD to finish the update on version 4.0 at the end of 2019. With the emplacement of version 4.0 NATOs ETEE world will have a system in place that allowed the availability of all relevant information across the disciplines in NATO. 

Critical Infrastructure Protection Course

CIP CourseCritical Infrastructure protection course

The C-IED COE attended to the “Critical Infrastructure Protection from Terrorist Attacks Course” organized by DAT COE in Ankara, Turkey, from 20-24 May 2019. This course deals with all strategic, operational and tactical levels of Critical Infrastructure Protection from terrorist attacks from both national and international perspectives. It aims to advise an applicable framework to establish a CIP structure at local, national and international levels, including civil and military cooperation, public-private sector partnership with interagency approach, considering mainly IED and cyber threats.



BAM Project

BAM is a senior scientific and technical federal institute with responsibility to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and invited two stakeholders of the multinational interagency project “Suicide Vests” to brief on the overall project.

Bam supported this two year project with test ranges and explosives. Based on this invitation C-IED CoE and Technical Center of German Armed Forces 91 presented a 30 min briefing during the official two day information event of BAM in front of around 100 attendees from industries, academics and members of Law enforcement agencies.



58th EOD Working Group

58th EOD Working Group58th EOD Working Group

The C-IED COE participated in the 58th NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Interservice Working Group in Eksjo, Sweden from 7-10 May 2019 at the Swedish EOD and Demining Centre (SWEDEC). The Working Group began with outstanding action items from the previous meeting and was followed by broad list of liaison reports from participating members to include an ACO update.

On the second day, the group witnessed an EOD - Interagency tasking as part of the SWEDEC EOD Exercise-19. The EOD team worked closely with the local fire department and medical personnel on radio communications, safety, render safe, post blast, casualty evacuation and immediate medical care. The afternoon sessions included panel discussion on EOD Doctrine, Policy, and Philosophy; EOD Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Panel; and the EOD Standardization Panel. The final day started with a visit to the SWEDEC Research and Development department with briefings on their EOD Information System (IS), EOD training area, and research area focusing on large scale Demining Equipment. The conclusion of the working group focused on panel chairs discussing their panel outcomes and way ahead.

The 59th NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Interservice Working Group will take place in Kiel, Germany from 21-25 Oct 2019.