IPB meeting and DH Forum

IPB MeetingIPB meeting and DH Forum

The first Individual Training and Education Programme (ITEP) Planning Board (IPB I) for 2019 as well as the annual Department Head forum were hosted and held at the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE), Vilnius, Lithuania 21st to 23rd May 2019 at the military compound of Gen. Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (MAL) where the NATO ENSEC COE is located.

The purpose of the IPB is to support the NATO Education and Individual Training (E&IT) Production Planning Process (PPP) by facilitating the production of the annual NATO ITEP and by providing a forum for the stakeholders to discuss related issues. The purpose of the DH forum is to support the Global Programming (GP) Approach by providing the DHs an interdisciplinary meeting to discuss common topics, to coordinate interdisciplinary issues and to exchange good practices.  

One of the main outcomes of the DH F was the information regarding the new developed and installed e-ITEP system version 3.1/3.2 and the intent of ACT JFD to finish the update on version 4.0 at the end of 2019. With the emplacement of version 4.0 NATOs ETEE world will have a system in place that allowed the availability of all relevant information across the disciplines in NATO.