The Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Kingdom of Spain visits the Centre of Excellence for Countering Improvised Explosive Devices.

January 16, 2024.- The Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Kingdom of Spain, H.E. Mr. Libor Sečka, accompanied by the Deputy Head of Embassy, visited the Center of Excellence Against Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED COE) on Tuesday, where he was received by its Director, Colonel Javier Corbacho Margallo, and by representatives of the twelve nations that are part of the Center.

During the visit, the Ambassador received a presentation from the Colonel-Director on the activities of the Centre and its positioning as a NATO reference centre in the C-IED fight. During the colloquium held with the Ambassador, he expressed his interest in the evolution of the C-IED fight related to the latest developments at the world level and the degree of satisfaction with the Czech staff assigned to the Centre, from whom he was able to learn first-hand what the work they do consists of.

After the presentation, the Ambassador visited the facilities during which he was pleasantly impressed with the work of the Centre's staff. The Ambassador then signed the Book of Honour.

The Czech Republic was the ninth nation that, in 2013, adhered to the Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of the C-IED COE in Hoyo de Manzanares and its functional relationship with the Supreme Allied Command for Transformation (SACT). Since then, the Czech Republic has had an officer on permanent assignment to the Centre whose functions are part of the Attack the Network Branch, Prevention Section.