Visit of CSM 25 March 2019

BKE VESTVisit of CSM 25 March 2019

The Command Sergeant Major (CSM) from CHOD SP JOINT STAFF, Juan Carlos Martínez Fernández, visited the C-IED COE, Hoyo de Manzanares, Madrid, on March 25th, 2019. He was officially invited by the Director of the C-IED COE. The main objective was to introduce himself and to meet with the Spanish NCOs and Enlisted personnel of the C-IED COE. The CSM was welcomed by the Director, the Senior ESP Officers and the Senior ESP NCOs. The visitor was briefed by the ESP NCOs about the main mission and tasks of the Centre and specifically in depth about the unique roles performed by the NCOs and Enlisted personnel assigned to the C-IED COE. The presentation was followed by an exposition of the CSM about his personal background and responsibilities as the CSM of the JOINT STAFF. A talk and debate tailed in at which the CSM gave answer to the most relevant issues affecting the NCOs and Enlisted specific posts and assignments in the Centre. A brief guided tour to the Centre premises took place prior to a short walk to the luncheon facilities of the military compound in Hoyo de Manzanares where the CSM had the opportunity to join the Coronel Director and the LTC, Head of Human Resources. During the formal lunch a protocol gift was presented to the visitor by the Director of the C-IED COE in remembrance of the occasion.