SCI-286: Technology Roadmaps Towards Stand-off Detection in Future Route Clearance

SCI-286: Technology Roadmaps Towards Stand-off Detection in Future Route Clearance

The 7th meeting of the SCI-286 task group, titled “Technology Roadmaps towards Stand-off Detection in Future Route Clearance” was held at the Military Engineering Centre of Excellence (MILENG COE) facility Ingolstadt, Germany on 27-29 Nov 2018. The objective of this three-year Task Group is to create a roadmap of stand-off IED detection capabilities for future mounted route clearance operations, suitable for all relevant environments and evolving threats. The 7th meeting included 17 attendees from: AUS, C-IED CoE, MILENG COE, GBR, FRA, ITA, NLD, NOR, SWE, DEU and USA. During a previous meeting, the Task Group split into three sub-groups tasked with creating their own draft future technology roadmaps. The results from the sub-group efforts were presented and discussed at length. The overall outcome was the refinement of the development of the roadmap, in which the three approaches will be combined to create a unified 5, 10, and 20-year roadmap of future IED stand-off detection technologies and implementations. No pictures were taken during this meeting.