Colombian CIDES

Colombian CidesColombian CIDES

During the 22nd -26th October, two members of the C-IED COE supported a NATO expert team to assess and recognize the Colombian CIDES (Centro Internacional de Desminado) to be a potential NATO Partner for Educational and Training (E&T) purpose as a PTEC. The NATO Team was composed by members of NATO HQ (IS/PASP), HQ SACT Joint Force Development, NATO School Oberammergau, C-IED Centre of Excellence, and two Pattern Training Educational Centre PTECs (US PLTCE and GE UN Training Centre NATO HQ). The visit was divided in three parts: - The Colombian Armed Forces could show their current capabilities, their organization and also the transformation and modernization through their Strategic Plan 2030. During these events we had the opportunity to have a meeting with the Ministry of Defense, the Chief of Defense and the three Chiefs of Staff (Army, Navy and Air Force). - Visit to Fort Tolemaida, where the CIDES and all the facilities are established. - Visit to Planadas region, where the Colombian Armed Forces are carrying out Humanitarian Demining in order to see in-situ their activities in demining. The visit to “CIDES” was focus in analyze the next capabilities/principles in order to become a PTEC and it was an opportunity for NATO to identify a potential partner that could be a real partner for E&T purpose and especially due to the area of expertise Colombia wants to propose to NATO (demining).