Events Calendar

WIT 20.2
From Tuesday 08 September 2020 -  08:30am
To Friday 25 September 2020 - 01:30pm
Hits : 330
Contact OF-3 Burgos

Students at post blast investigation siteWeapons Intelligence Team Course (WIT)


To provide essential Level 1 Exploitation Weapons Technical Intelligence (tactical level) training to teams able to respond to IED incidents – prior to their arrival in an Operational Theatre. Weapons Intelligence Teams will be trained to investigate IED incidents in any environment, and produce standardized tactical, technical and forensic intelligence Level 1 reports that can feed the Operations and Intelligence cycle to more effectively understand and conduct Attack the Networks activities.


The course is open to NATO and Interoperability Platform Nations.


pdf Calling Letter WIT 20.2 (942 KB)


Location  Hungarian Defence Forces NCO Academy (HDF NCOA), Szentendre/Hungary