Our Mission

The Counter IED Centre of Excellence is the main source of knowledge on the IED Chessboard

Our Mission

To provide subject matter expertise in order to support the International Community in the fight against the IED

system and to co-operate to increase the security of Allied Nations and all troops deployed in theaters of

operations by reducing or eliminating the threat posed by the use of improvised

explosive devices by non-state actors, terrorists and/or insurgents networks.

We train Leaders and specialist on C-IED (Counter Improvised Explosive Devices)

This means we learn about the devices, but work before the explosion

We Provide subject matter expertise

In order to support the Alliance, its Partners and the International Community in the fight against the IED System to increase the security of deployed troops, reducing or eliminating the IED threat, especially from terrorist and insurgent networks

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We are

Part of NATO

A NATO Centre of Excellence (CoE)
Centres of Excellence (CoEs):
International military organisations
Train and educate leaders and specialists
NATO members and partner countries
All Centres of Excellence receive NATO accreditation

C-IED 101
All Counter IED Basics

What is C-IED

Learn the basics of our fight against Improvised Explosive Devices


C-IED Glossary

We provide to C-IED Community of Interest a summary of diverse acronyms used in official or non-official documents for a better understanding of the global Counter Improvised Explosive Threat.


C-IED NATO Doctrine

Find the relevant doctrine documents in one place



The Centre staffs more than 40 subject matter experts (SMB) in the field of counter-improvised explosive devices and is organized into three missions:

Attack the Networks, Defeat the Device and Prepare the Force

Attack the Networks

The Centre’s first pillar, Attack the Networks, emphasizes the importance of constant development of anticipatory technology, analysis and doctrine as well as a forward understanding of the complex nature of improvised explosive device threats. This branch of the Centre is staffed by personnel from military, law enforcement and intelligence backgrounds, who have hands-on experience understanding the threats posed by improvised explosive devices. The Attack the Networks portion of the Centre’s mission also emphasizes the need for comprehensive information sharing on Prevention and Prediction protocols among Allied Nations’ counter-improvised explosive devices actors.

Defeat the Device

The Centre’s second pillar, Defeat the Device, understands that despite all anticipatory actions, adversarial groups will continue to attempt improvised explosive device-based attacks on Allied Nations and personnel. As such, the Centre’s Defeat the Device pillar focuses on assessing and comparing common operational technologies and doctrines across Allied Nations to identify capability gaps and future requirements. This pillar leverages the Centre’s expertise for three main lines of effort: Detection, Neutralization, and Mitigation. Together, these initiatives provide Alliance personnel with the experience and technical know-how to defeat threats from improvised explosive devices in real world scenarios.

Prepare the Force

Combining the findings, experiences and doctrine developed in the above-mentioned pillars, the Centre’s final pillar, Prepare the Force, represents an important training and education function for Alliance stakeholders. A key output of this pillar is the Centre’s numerous training courses, including the Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices Training Model, which provides a standardized manual for allied and partner nations to guide the education of forces. The Centre also provides on-site courses for Alliance stakeholders, integrating lessons learned with emerging capabilities to maintain readiness for Alliance counter-improvised explosive device experts.

The NATO Centre of Excellence for
Counter Improvised Explosive Devices

The reference in NATO for courses, events and contents on IED prevention and mitigation

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Located in the outskirts of Madrid, Spain

Accredited Centre of Excellence

Accredited Centre of Excellence