3 JDEAL Special Training Course on Basic DOCEX

3 JDEAL Special Training Course on Basic DOCEX

The Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (JDEAL), within its course calendar, organized the “3rd JDEAL Special Training Course (JSTC) on Basic DOCEX” in Soesterberg (The Netherlands) from 20th to 23rd January 2020.

C-IED COE, with one SME, attended to the course that consisted of a complete 4-day with instruction and practical exercises for the students. The training was designed to teach students to be aware of the existing personal documents’ types, the materials used to build it and the relative printing techniques.

The instructors were from The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee “Identity Fraud and Documents Center of Expertise” (ECID). 

With this course, the participants will be able to know and use the appropriate equipment to exploit personal identity documents, recognizing with a certain level of assurance if are originally issued, false or forged.